About Dr. Harold C. Felder

Dr. Felder graduated from Southern Evangelical Seminary with a Masters Degree in Apologetics and a Doctor of Ministry in Apologetics.

Introduction There are those who deny the Deity of Christ. Of those, there are some who believe in the inerrant Word of God, yet allege that Jesus Himself never claimed to be God. Those who would make such a claim are simply wrong. Either they have never read the New Testament or simply refuse to…

Is the Bible true? Is it really the word of God? Do not all religions have sacred scripture that is just as valid as the Bible? These are questions we have all asked ourselves, regardless of our religious affiliation, or lack thereof. These are very important questions. Our understanding of the answer impacts the way…

Introduction Did Jesus rise from the dead? Why is it important? What is the evidence? Even if He did rise from the dead, what difference does it make anyway? These are the questions that I, Harold C. Felder, will be answering in this article on the evidence for the resurrection. Why is it Important? The…

Introduction The Apostle Paul writes “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16 NIV). This belief is foundational to Christians everywhere. It was a major tenant of the Protestant Reformation. It is the pillar of our faith. It is God’s testimony to mankind. There are…

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