About Jerry Solomon

Jerry Solomon, former Director of Field Ministries and Mind Games Coordinator for Probe Ministries, served as Associate Pastor at Dallas Bible Church after leaving Probe. He received the B.A. (summa cum laude) in Bible and the M.A. (cum laude) in history and theology from Criswell College. He also attended the University of North Texas, Canal Zone College, and Lebanon Valley College. Just before Christmas 2000, Jerry went home to be with the Lord he loved and served.

Why Care About History? Because History Defines Us Let’s listen to a typical conversation between two people who are meeting each other at a convention. Carl: Hello! My name is Carl Simpson. James: Hello! My name is James Cameron. Carl: Where are you from, James? James: Well, I grew up in the Miami area, but…

“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matt. 4:17).(1) This familiar admonition was first spoken by John the Baptist and soon after it was echoed by Jesus. The phrase is certainly worthy of a great deal of attention; it provides a lot of food for thought. For the moment, though, let’s concentrate on…

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