New Publication
The Bible and Tomorrow’s Headlines
A Complete, Clear, and Understandable Overview of Bible Prophecy
Global events over the last few decades have generated a great deal of interest in Bible prophecy. News headlines about Middle East conflicts, weapons of mass destruction, natural disasters, terrorism, pandemics, and the very real and ever present threat of another world war, just to mention a few, have many rethinking—or perhaps thinking for the first time—what it is that the Bible has to say about the end times.
If you are interested in the future and are trying to make sense of everything going on around you, this book will help you understand how today’s news headlines fit into what the Bible has to say about the end times. It will bring clarity to often misunderstood issues surrounding the second coming of Jesus Christ and help you navigate the exciting and challenging days to come.
The Bible and Tomorrow’s Headlines will provide you with a step-by-step study of what man can expect. It will help you understand:
- The importance of studying Bible prophecy
- How to interpret Bible prophecy
- Israel’s role in world history
- The reasons for the Middle East crisis
- The signs of the times
- The future of the United States of America
- Key figures and events in the Tribulation
- The Millennium kingdom

Introduction to the Essential Doctrines of Christianity
Equipping the Next Generation of Christians With the Fundamentals of the Faith
Two major issues face the Church today. First, false and unscriptural philosophies about truth have taken root not only among non-Christians, but among an increasing number of individuals who identify themselves as evangelical Christians. Second, biblical, doctrinal, and apologetic illiteracy within the Church is reaching epidemic proportions. Many Christians are unable to articulate what they believe or why they believe it, nor can they defend key doctrines of the Faith.
This book was written for Christians who desire to gain a better understanding of the essential, historic, orthodox doctrines of Christianity. If we are going to properly represent the King and His kingdom, positively influence society, and be effective fishers of men, then we must be a people of the Word, a people adequately equipped with truth God’s truth.