For at that time there will be great distress, the kind that hasn’t taken place from the beginning of the world until now and never will again (Matthew 24:21). The Lord is angry with all the nations, furious with all their armies. He will set them apart for destruction, giving them over to slaughter (Isaiah 34:2).      I…

     Nobody who has lived long can deny that the world today is a far more dangerous place than at any other time in history. Weapons of mass destruction, such as nuclear bombs, and biological weapons in the hands of the wrong people or nation would be catastrophic (of the apocalyptic sort). Terrorist threats to…

America, America, What Will Be of Thee?      Charles Ryrie states that, “The Bible has made crystal clear the destiny of many nations. Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, Egypt, Russia, and Israel can read their futures today in the pages of Scripture as certainly as if they were reading history. But not so with the United…

“He makes nations great, then destroys them; he enlarges nations, then leads them away” (Job 12:23). “Then David blessed the Lord in the sight of all the assembly. David said, May you be blessed, Lord God of our father Israel, from eternity to eternity. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the splendor and the majesty, for…

Jesus Christ      As the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ is, without question, the principal figure in all of history, past, present, and future. Bible prophecy is both revealed by Him and the One whom it reveals. In Revelation 19:10 (NLT), the angel told John, “Worship only God. For the essence…

The Rapture Event While we wait for the blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Titus 2:13).      There is a great deal of misunderstanding as it relates to the two stages of Christ’s second coming. As stated in the chapters which discussed the signs of the times,…

     We are clearly instructed in Scripture not to set end times dates since we cannot know the day and hour of specific events. The Lord tells us, Now concerning that day and hour no one knows—neither the angels of heaven nor the Son —except the Father alone (Matthew 24:36). It is not for you to…

     Many people, including Arabs, would have us believe that before the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948, there were no tensions or anything to harm the good relations between the Arabs and the Jews. Even many historians point to the 1948 establishment of Israel as that which led to the current escalation…

Israel’s Present      Since these covenants are all from Israel’s past, some have improperly taken them away from Israel and applied them to the church today. They adopt the erroneous opinion that Israel’s promises have transferred to the church.      We cannot say enough times that one of the essential principles of the Abrahamic Covenant…

Israel’s Past      To understand Israel’s importance in the prophetic future, we must first understand the unconditional covenants God made with Israel. These covenants govern our understanding of the Jewish people and govern our understanding of Bible prophecy. Paul Benware explains, “In Old Testament times a covenant was an agreement between two parties that bound…

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